– SWIFTEC CHIPTUNING EDITING SOFTWARE (VCPT.01.01) Podstawowe oprogramowanie zawierające :
- Support all types of existing ECUs for modifying
- Unique artificial intelligence module “Automatical maps recognition” for Bosch EDC7/EDC15/EDC16/EDC17/MD1/ME7/MED17, Delphi DCM/CRD, Denso, Lucas Trucks, Marelli MJD, Motorola EMS/MEMSNNN, Siemens MSD80/SID/SIM2K/PCR/PPD, Temic Trucks ECUs
- DPF Removal Module: Bosch EDC15, EDC16, EDC17, MD1; Siemens SID, PPD, PCR; Marelli MJD; Denso; Delphi, Isuzu
- DTC Removal Module
- AdBlue Removal Module
- Flaps Removal Module
- MAF Removal Module
- EGR Removal Module
- Speed Limiter Removal Module
- Lambda/O2 Removal Module: Bosch ME7, MED9, MED17; Siemens MSV70
- CVN Bypass service
- OBD Reading Protection Module: VAG ME7, MED9, EDC16, EDC17; BMW EDC17
- Automatically Maps Detection Module for Bosch MSA, EDC15, EDC16, EDC17, MD1; Delphi (include Trucks); Denso (include Trucks); Lucas; Motorola MEMS NNN, Perkins, Trucks; Phoenix (John Deere); Siemens MSE, MSD, Rotax, SIM2K; Temic; TRW (EMS2); Visteon
- Automatically checksum detection module
- Automatically ECU information detection module
- ASAP2, DAM import module
- Remote update module
- English, French, German, Polish, Portuguese, Turkish, Russian and Spanish language
- Online maps, special maps database with support in the languages listed above!
- Online super map files database
- Featured map manager module for creating own map packs, including predefined formulas.
- More than 100 checksum correction modules
- Local projects database for saving original and modified file versions
- Bosch EDC16/M155, Siemens F200/2001, Intel/Motorola HEX conversion modules
- Files join, split and duplication modules
- Bosch EDC16/M155, Siemens F200/2001, ZIP, RAR, Bdm2go by external plug-in, High/Low parts, Intel/Motorola HEX import format support
- Import new files with resizing possibility
- 3D, 2D, HEX, MAP view and edition modes
- 8,16,32 bits Motorola and Intel signed/unsigned/float point data type support
- 8,16,32 bits and text search and replace function
- Colorization of all types view mode
- Hexadecimal and decimal view values
- Comparison original and modified files version
- Absolute or percentage modifying values
- Copy and paste function with all view modes
- Saving most used with functions values
- Undo last operation possible
- HEX mode change grid size possible
- HEX mode symbols show function
- Fast switching from 2D to MAP mode on selected map
- Simply way of creating maps by Marks
- Swap axis on MAP mode possible
- Axis modification with MAP mode support
- Copy to similar maps by values or percentage modified maps is available
- View modification of maps by normal, difference and percentage mode
- Automatically saving current project
- Automatically checking for new updates out(internet connection required)
- X,Y zoom on 2D mode
- Cursor showing current data information
- Drag’n’Drop support with importing original and modified files
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